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Arkansas Bluestar 'Blue Ice' (Amsonia hubrichtii)

Arkansas Bluestar 'Blue Ice' (Amsonia hubrichtii)


Image: North Creek Nurseries


Amsonia hubrichtii, commonly called Arkansas bluestar, is an erect, clump-forming plant that is primarily grown in cultivation for its blue spring flowers, feathery green summer foliage and golden autumn color. Powdery blue, 1/2" star-like flowers appear in terminal clusters in late spring atop stems rising to 3' tall. Feathery, soft-textured, needle-like, alternate leaves are bright green in spring and summer, but turn bright gold in autumn. From a distance plants have an almost lily-like appearance. Bluestars attract butterflies, and tolerant to deers and droughts.



Bluestars grow in medium, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. For best foliage color, grow in full sun, or in partial shade for hotter climates. However, stems may open up and flop in too much shade. Cut back the stems by about 6" after flowering to help keep stems upright and to shape plants into a nice foliage mound.


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